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University for Agricultural Science and Veterinarian Medicine of Banat
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Alapítvány a Biotechnológiai Nevelés és Oktatás Korszerűsítéséért
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Prof.dr. Kornél L. Kovács


Ilustračný obrázokThe project RESGAS2011 - Cross-border joint RDI in the field of biogas production, a suitable renewable energy carrier for Hungary and Romania is implemented under Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 (www.huro-cbc.eu) and is part-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, Hungary and Romania. The Programme aims to bring to bring the different actors - people, economic actors and communities - closer to each other, in order to better exploit opportunities offered by the joint development of the border area.

The main objective of the project is perform research and development activities in support of innovation in the field of biogas prodution. A major shift in the energy policy of both countries could only come from positive practices, together with best practices exchange. In order to reach this major objective, the partners will try to identify possible improvements of the biogas production in both liquid and solid phase.

By the end of the project, the partners will have undertaken several joint research projects aiming at providing added value for the field. The goal is to connect technology, policy, industry, education, finance and public services in order to increase the understanding of the challenges brought by the immense consume of energy, combined with the limited character of the resources. This can be an opportunity for fundamental change in the way the world produces and consumes energy.

Partnership composition

By the end of the project, the partners will have undertaken several jint research projects aimiing at providing added value for the field. The goal is to connect technology, policy, industry, education, finance and public services in order to increase the understanding of the challenges brought by the immense consume of energy, combined with the limited character of the resources. This can be an opportunity for fundamental change in the way the world produces and consumes energy.

The main context for partnership working is change. Although changing tendencies are not new, the nature and place of change in environmental quality and the effects on daily lives standards and cultural and historical heritage are very different today from a few decades ago and keep the patents of all global occurred events.

The Timis - Csongrad cross-border area now faces many challenges arising from change. RESGAS2011 is devoted to answering trans-boundary necessities concerning the identification of alternatives to fossil fuels for the needed energy. The partnership comprises experts from both sides of the border brought together by common problems and believes, but with different expertise from:

Szeged University (Lead Partner)

University for Agricultural Science and Veterinarian Medicine of Banat (Project Partner 1)

Politehnica University from Timisoara (Project Partner 2)

Alapitvany a Biotechnologiai Neveles es Oktatas Korszerusiteseert (Project Partner 3)

The contents of the page do not necessarily reflect the official standpoint of the European Union
www.huro-cbc.eu or www.hungary-romania-cbc.eu
© 2012 Resgas2011