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Politehnica University from Timisoara
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering www.mec.upt.ro
1 M. Viteazu Bv., room 131A, 300222 Timisoara
Tel +40 256 403670, Fax +40 256 403669
e-mail: ioana.ionel@mec.upt.ro Contact person:
Prof.dr.eng.habil Ioana IONEL

University for Agricultural Science and Veterinarian Medicine of Banat
Aradului Way 119, Timisoara, 300593
Tel.: +40 256 277001 Fax.: +40 256 277110
e-mail: usabtm@mail.dnttm.ro Contact person:
S.l.dr. Teodor VINTILA
University of Szeged
Dugonics square 13, Szeged H-6723
Tel + 36 62 544 001, Fax + +36 62 546 371
e-mail: rektor@rekt.u-szeged.hu Contact person:
Dr. Gábor Szabó Rector

Alapítvány a Biotechnológiai Nevelés és Oktatás Korszerűsítéséért
Tel: +36 62 546 930, Fax: +36 62 544 352
e-mail: kornel@brc.hu Contact person:
Prof.dr. Kornél L. Kovács

Objectives & Target Groups

Ilustračný obrázok Objectives

The main objective of the project is perform research and development activities in support of innovation in the field of biogas prodution. A major shift in the energy policy of both countries could only come from positive practices, together with best practices exchange. In order to reach this maajor objective, the partners will try to identify possible improvements of the biogas production in both liquid and solid phase.

By the end of the project, the partners will have undertaken several jint research projects aiming at providing added value for the field. The goal is to connect technology, policy, industry, education, finance and public services in order to increase the understanding of the challenges brought by the immense consume of energy, combined with the limited character of the resources. This can be an opportunity for fundamental change in the way the world produces and consumes energy.

Target groups

The direct beneficiaries are the citizens of Csongrad and Timis county. To reach them we need to incorporate the local SMEs and decision makers. In general, the contribution to CO2 reduction and extensive exploitation of biowaste for energy generation will complement worldwide efforts to control global warming. Both HU and RO have major tasks to accomplish in this respect. In medium and long term the project will improve the life of the people living on both sides of the border through modern biowaste treatment and implementation of renewable biogas production.

The synergy between the project partners has a multiplicator effect on both sides of the border. Since biomass handling needs a substantial amount of manpower, equal opportunities for various ethnic groups and people with disabilities will find their roles. The cultivation of energy plants and efficient utilization of biomass will improve competitiveness of agriculture as well.
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